Birds in the Kgalagadi

!Xaus Lodge is located in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, an immense desert area, with grass-covered sand dunes.  At over 3,5 million hectares, it’s almost twice the size of the Kruger National Park, and is jointly managed by the South African and Botswanan wildlife authorities. Two hundred and sixty-four species of birds have been recorded in the Park, however the majority of birds are not resident species and are irregular visitors to the Park. Many of the birds cannot survive all year round in the Kalahari and fly to areas where there are more favourable conditions.

Of the species recorded, only 78 are residents, while 16 species are seasonal migrants and 18 are nomads. Two-thirds of the raptor species found in southern Africa can be seen in the Kalahari, while smaller species such as the lilac-breasted roller and swallowtailed bee-eater are also well represented.

Download the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park bird list