Here in the heart of the Kgalagadi Game Reserve the laws of nature prove their power every day. There is another force, however, which prevails everywhere, and doesn’t skip !Xaus Lodge in the slightest: they call it Murphy’s Law.

We had a busy month in March, with guests coming and going, and two special guests from our friends over at Lawson’s Africa.  Jason Stewart and Toby Esplin arrived at !Xaus Lodge and, in the hopes of collecting some valuable footage, set up two Bushnell cameras at the waterhole in front of the lodge. These motion-sensitive cameras have the ability to capture animals in their natural habitat without disturbing them in any way. With that being said, it was first-hand game viewing that the guests, along with the Lawson’s guides, wanted to see. So they all set off in the game vehicle in the hopes of spotting some of the wildlife that the Kgalagadi is known for. On two occasions when guests were out on a drive, the elusive pride of lions, which the guests were in search for, visited the waterhole that day.

Kgalagadi Game Reserve, !Xaus Lodge

Setting up the cameras at the waterhole.

Unfortunately for them, both opportunities to see these beautiful felines drinking at the waterhole were missed. The Bushnell cameras, however, managed to capture the pride going about their usual business, with !Xaus Lodge and a beautiful sunset providing the backdrop.

Bushenell Cameras, !Xaus Lodge Kgalagadi Game Reserve3   Bushenell Cameras, !Xaus Lodge Kgalagadi Game Reserve5   Bushenell Cameras, !Xaus Lodge Kgalagadi Game Reserve

Thanks to Jason and Toby for ensuring this opportunity wasn’t missed! If it wasn’t for the cameras, we may not even had known that they came to visit. Twice! Hopefully next time we’ll see them first-hand though and Murphy’s Law will forfeit! Read the full post here.